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Dont Be Frightened...

​If you beleive that you are at risk for Diabetes, take these steps:​

​1) Talk to your doctor​

2) Receive blood work to ensure whether you are or arent at risk

3) Get knowledgeable

If you are unsure if you are at risk for diabetes or not, take the risk assessment.  Get Tested!  If diabetes is left unmanaged, you can form many complications as listed to the left of this page.

My Risk Assessment

(as provided by the Canadian Diabetes Association)

​- I have a parent or sister with diabetes

- I am a member of a high-risk group (Aboriginal, Hispanic, South      

  Asian descent)

- I have health complications that are associated with diabetes

- I gave birth to a baby that weighed over 4 kg (9 lb) at birth

- I had gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy)

- I ahve been told I have impaired glucose tolerance or impaired 

  fasting glucose

- I have high blood pressure

- I have high cholesterol or other fats in my blood

- I am overweight (especially if I carry most of my weight around my


- I have been diagnosed with any of the following conditions:

  * Polycystic ovary syndrome

  * Acanthosis nigricans (darkened patches of skin)

  * Schizophrenia

If you have checked off some of these risks, get tested... dont hesitate, call a health professional and book an appointment today!

Stress Reduction and Diabetes

​Since stress affects everything that we do, it is important to minimize stress levels which will help maintain good overall health.  Stress symptoms can be anything from depression and anxiety to insomnia or sleep depreivation. 

Some Stress reducing techniques that can help control stress levels are:




-Making sure you practice healthy eating

-Getting plenty of sleep and rest at night

-Take time for you

-Surround yourself with individuals who make you     happy

The Different Types of Diabetes

There are many different types of diabetes that at times it’s hard to know which one is which. Below I have provided a guide and a bit of info about each type.

Type 2 Diabetes- the most common form found in adults. Occurs when the body does not use insulin correctly.


Type 1- the most common form found in children. It’s an autoimmune disease that permanently destroys beta cells in the pancreas, making you unable to produce incline.

Gestational Diabetes- Occurs specifically during pregnancy. Between the second and third trimester your body has a higher insulin demand. It needs almost three times as much insulin to keep up with the demands of the baby.

Pre diabetes- an early form of Type 2. Higher then normal blood glucose production.


Diabetes Insipidus- The complex system that regulates the amount and type of fluid in your body becomes disrupted


Diabetes Mody- It’s a genetic disorder that affects people before the age of 25. Acts like Type 2

Millions of people suffer from diabetes, and millions dont know that they currently have it.  To ensure that you do or don't have diabetes, appropriate testing and being aware of the risks are essential.  There are many risk factors that could lead you to diabetes.  These risk factors range from age to weight.  If you take the neccessary precautions such as managing blood glucose, then you can delay or prevent type 2 diabetes.  By increasing your amount of exercise and physical activity, your risks for diabetes will be signifiantly lower.  The other factor that influences the risk of diabetes is diet.  By having a well balanced, nutrious diet plan, your blood glucose will be lowered, limiting your risks.

Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes are:

- Being over the age of 40

- Having family that has type 2 diabetes

- Being a part of a high-risk population such as, Aboriginal,

  Hispanic, Asian, and Africian descent

- Having some history with impaired glucose tolerance

- Haing heart disease

- Having some of the complications such as, eye, nerve, or kidney issues

- Having high blood pressure

- Having high cholesterol

- Being overweight

Diabetes can cause complications such as:

- Heart disease

- Kidney disease

- Eye disease

- Nerve damage

- Problems with erection


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